Happy Birthday to you..

Today is my best friend's birthday, I wish her through Instagram and instantly got a message from her saying she querrel again. Well, I have to comfort her over and over again cause when she get mad she will not listen to any words other say and just think about her own emotion and feelings. So it was really hard to calm her down.

Well, this year birthday, I didn't want to make such a huge deal about it cause there is someone to replace my spot already and I hope that he did a good job on replacing my place in her heart. BUT, I am preparing a birthday present for her which I will only do it once in a life time for a friend so she gotta wait till I finish my interns and everything so that I can start to prepare hers.

Anyway, wish her Happy Birthday and always be happy! Don't only be happy on the outside, but also have to be happy in the inside. In order to do that, I am trying to distance myself more let you have more time with him.

Happy Birthday..


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