Be Myself

Why do people make you to be something they want you to be? Why do they force you to do things that you don't want to? Why do you have to change yourself to please people?

I understand there are many different opinions and mindset therefore, arguments happens. Things can workout if both parties give in a little. Why do things have to be one sided or so extreme?

Do I really have to fake myself to please everyone else? Do I have to force a mindset of others to fit in the circle? Do I have to live my life the way you wanted? Do I even live for you? Why can't I just be myself, think what I want to think and do what I want to do? Is that a crime? Why do I need to fight to be myself? This is so frustrating! I had to do whatever you want me to do and be what you want me to be and walk the path you want me to walk. Do you ever felt what I felt? I am not happy at all, I bare the years and continue to push my limit until I can't take it. Everyday I wake up, I just wish that I am starting a journey for myself. If love is the word to explain all these actions, its an unwanted love.

All I can say is, I choose my life, I walk the path I want to walk, I don't want to be forced into someone I don't know, I JUST WANT TO BE MYSELF!

Please just let me be....


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