Tiring Day!!!

On sunday..  my mum get sick and started to vomit everytime she ate something and the whole system turn upside down.. Every house chores were waiting someone to touch and lunch dinner having problem.. Bt .. my brother and i save the house.. !! My relatives which stay near my house send my mum to hospital...and the doctor gave my mum an injection without saying anything about her illness and just give us the medication. What a great doctor!! My grandma was so worried about us and told us to come over her house to ate dinner.. then it started to rain...
source:   http://i.ehow.com/images/a04/kb/71/fun-rainy-day-activities-kids-800X800.jpg
When the rain came, my brother and i walk to the 7 eleven to buy bread for my mum. We walked there by sharing an umbrella and it was so crazy. The rain pour hardly and we both get wet from head to toes. I came back and shower and my relatives came again. They were fetching us to my grandma house, so.. so sweet la them.. thx!! After i ate my dinner, i went back home to persuade my mum to go to hospital, because she is not eating something after she vomit. Everyone was so worried about her..  today, she still feel uncomfortable with her stomach but at least much much better than few days ago. My dad concerns her by calling her all the time at home and cant concetrate his work, feel so sorry for him. And i want to thanks everyone that help us out in this few days ... THANK YOU!!!


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